
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

T minus 30 minutes until we board our flight to Costa Rica and begin serving the people in Jaco! We just finished our last few days of stateside training and it was incredible! The ministry we will be partnering with in Jaco is called Ocean’s Edge ministry and is multifaceted. We will be helping in a wide variety of ways that I can’t wait to share more about in the coming weeks!

I am so excited and expectant for this journey. The love and support covering this decision is OVERWHELMING in the best way. THANK YOU for the encouragement and prayers! The prayers are the most important and truly mean the world to me!

Before this journey really kicks off, I want to share something that’s been on my heart:

The decision to do the World Race is not a holier-than-though one. The most holy decision is one simply made in surrender to the Lord.

Obedience to the Holy Spirit can take so. many. forms. It can look like taking a certain job, switching up your career, earning a certain education, moving to a new place, entering into a relationship, stepping out of one, etc. There’s no one cookie cutter way to live for the Kingdom. Common denominators? Yep, and many of them. Cookie cutters? Nope.

The different soil I stand on, the clothes I wear, the title I have… it can all be part of God’s plan. The same goes for you. As unbelievably sweet and encouraging all of the support has been in committing to this, the very last thing that’s true is that God is only found overseas while in full-time ministry. He’s found right where you are, whatever your role is.

I’m excited to share what the Lord is going to accomplish in this next year, but it is with utmost confidence and assuredness that I know He is with you, too… You the student, the mom, the brother, the CEO, the dad, the daughter, the teacher, the nurse, the engineer, the one residing in Texas, Colorado, California, Italy.

Throughout this next week I will be sharing my own moments and revelations I’ve had with the Lord while my title in life was student or intern or friend. I hope you find them encouraging! My heart behind this is this: I will be blogging the wondrous things the Lord will be teaching me and accomplishing all around me on the World Race. However, what He will do in the World Race will NOT be the first things He does in my life that are stories worth sharing. He’s already done so much! And what He’s done so far has all been while I was stateside and not in full time ministry. I will be sharing stories as proof that He is moving and working in your everyday too! YOU DO NOT NEED TO COMMIT TO THE WORLD RACE TO EXPERIENCE THE LORD IN AMAZING WAYS. Reread that if you need. Watch/read my upcoming blogs for proof of His goodness no matter what your title, role, season, or placement in this life!



Let’s do this!


Please don’t stop covering this in prayers!

Your girl,

Sierra 🙂